Thursday, May 23, 2024

Occasionally Annual Small Business Night

 Small Business Night in the Neighborhood

Tuesday May 28th – 6:30 PM

Friends and Neighbors-

The Croissant Park Civic Association is hosting its occasionally annual Small Business Night in conjunction with our May meeting. This was wildly popular the last time we did it, and this year, we have gotten even more interest and more small businesses signing up.

This is a great way for them to introduce their services to us and a great way for us to support small businesses in and adjacent to our neighborhood. I don’t know about you, but I have a lot of projects that need to be done, and I’m constantly reaching out to people in the neighborhood for their recommendations. Almost all of the businesses that will be attending are businesses one or more of our Board members uses regularly – so it’s not like opening the Yellow Pages ( for those of you under 35, the yellow pages was a book that the telephone company [ yes, the telephone company – Bell South – for those things called “land lines”] used to print and distribute every year to every house listing everyone's phone numbers and including ads for businesses) and simply turning to the page for “plumber” “attorney” or whatever. 

Think of this as Yelp without the nasty reviews.

Our Small Business Night promises to be a fun-filled evening with a diverse range of businesses. We have florists, several new restaurants, AC repair, realtors, attorneys for various specialties, gyms, and many more. And the best part? The restaurants participating may bring some delicious goodies, adding to the event's festive atmosphere.

There may still be time to sign up to present your business. If you are interested, please e-mail us at

Hope to see you next Tuesday night!

Pat Rathburn

President, Croissant Park Civic Association

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