Thursday, June 20, 2024

Croissant Park Civic Association 'Small Business Night' May 28th, 2024 - Minutes

Location: Croissant Park Community Center

Board Members in attendance:

Pat Rathburn, President
Virginia Russell, Director
Rhonda Kramer, Director
Jarrod Gaylis, Director
Carlos Lang, Treasurer
John Marangio, Secretary
Absent, Michelle DiMaria, Vice President

Pat called the meeting to order at 6:40 PM and established Quorum was reached.
  • Pledge of Allegiance.
  • Approval of Minutes from the Feb 27th General Meeting.
  • Pat introduced Officer Trujillo from the Fort Lauderdale Police Department with Crime Stats and Updates:
Review and discussion of automotive crimes from February 27th to the current date, including two auto thefts and six burglaries of vehicles. Emphasis on the ease of stealing Kias with USB cables and the importance of locking vehicles. Officer Trujillo reminded the community that Kia offers a club for security, and Hyundai Sonata has a fix-it solution. She encouraged owners to make sure vehicles are locked and use remote disabling features if available. The thefts have not decreased and occur in waves. Detectives have an idea of the groups involved, and investigations are ongoing.

Question for Officer concerning Catalytic Converter Thefts:
Inquiry about the status of catalytic converter thefts in the city, with a specific mention of five incidents at BGH.

Question from attendees re Homeless Encampment:
Discussion about a homeless encampment near Burger King on 17th Street and SE 5th Ave, including concerns about safety and drug activity. The officer will bring these concerns to her precinct. The issue will be passed to homeless outreach officers. Three more officers will be coming on board in the next two months to address such issues.

Pat provided an update regarding the 100th Anniversary of Croissant Park and the planning for an event on October 26th at Croissant Park, including considerations for alcohol permits, food options, and swag. Invited all interested parties to join in on the planning for this event.

Celebrating our local Small Business owners:
Introduction of various small businesses and their services, including a private chef, fitness center, a pet store, and a water aerobics instructor.
  • Michael Nichols, Chef/Owner provided an overview of his culinary services and provided the attendees with samples of his baked goods.
  • The owner and representative of HIT Fitness introduced himself and provided a demonstration of Balance and Strength assessment and training.
  • Susie Ludlow introduced herself as a water aerobics instructor and balance and strength trainer with classes at Hort Park in Shady Banks. She also provided coffee from Expresso Coffee on Andrews Avenue.
  • A representative from Auggie’s Pet Supplies provided a detailed overview of their healthy pet food, treats, chews, toys, leashes, and other supplies for dogs and cats. She also provided handouts and samples for the neighbors in attendance.
  • Pat Rathburn introduced her profession as an attorney focusing on Real Estate and Estate Planning. She discussed her relationships in the community and was thankful for her ongoing collaboration with local Real Estate Agents. Pat also discussed the differences between using an attorney and a title company for real estate transactions, highlighting the benefits of personalized service from an attorney.
  • Rhonda Kramer introduced herself with an overview of her decades as a local Remax real estate agent sharing that homes that went for $68,000 now sell for $680,000 and emphasized the importance of supporting your neighborhood businesses to strengthen community. She then introduced her neighbor and fellow real estate agent, Jarrod Gaylis.
  • Jarrod took the microphone and introduced himself, his affiliation with Coldwell Banker, and his commitment to the community. Jarrod emphasized why local realtors are crucial for neighborhood development and understanding market dynamics.
The next presenter was Jeri Pryor, Chief of Staff for the City of Ft Lauderdale, District 4. Ms. Pryor spoke to the following items and topics:
  • Announcement of a hurricane preparedness event on June 1st at the Museum of Art, organized by the City of Fort Lauderdale.
  • Discussion on the city's budget process and the importance of community involvement in requesting funding for local projects like sidewalks.
  • Discussion on the need for speed humps in the neighborhood and the city's preference for plastic road humps over concrete ones.
  • Concerns about the color and quality of the water due to old filtration systems and the upcoming new water plant.
Pat Rathburn took this time to thank all of the Small Business Owners and encouraged the community to support our local vendors. Pat asked the audience for suggestions for future meeting topics, including inviting the new City Forester and discussing Croissant Park's 100-year celebration with the historical society. The focus turned to the neighbors and they were asked to present any questions, comments, or concerns:
  • Concerns about short-term rentals (vacation rentals) affecting the neighborhood, including parking issues and garbage collection.
  • Discussion about the restriction that Sober Homes cannot be located within a thousand feet of each other. Entities must be registered, and if they are not, they will need to obtain a license.  
  • Concerns were raised about unregistered vacation rentals in the neighborhood. A suggestion was made to invite someone from the city to explain the registration process.
  • Discussion on how to handle noise and parking issues caused by vacation rentals, including calling a non-emergency number for code enforcement officers.
Pat thanked all who participated in this evening’s General Meeting and Small Business Night and announced the next meeting is scheduled for June 25th at the Croissant Park Community Center at 6:30 PM.
The meeting Adjourned at 7:58 PM.

minutes by John Marangio
pics by Rhonda Kramer