Croissant Park General Meeting May 2013
Hi Neighbors,
Our May meeting opened at 7:10 pm with a crime report from FLPD Officer Stevens. Over the last two months there have been 10 residential burglaries that resulted in 3 arrests, 4 vehicle burglaries, 2 vehicle thefts, and 3 business burglaries that resulted in 4 arrests. FLPD is working on an information base that links the perpetrators who are repeat offenders.
Our President Pat Rathburn led us in the Pledge of Allegiance. All Board members were present and we had a large turnout of Croissant Park neighbors, approximately 48 people, for what turned out to be a rather lively meeting.
Our District Commissioner Romney Rogers was our keynote speaker and he brought City officials with him. Comm. Rogers first addressed Code Enforcement issues. There is currently a discount being given to any violations of Code if, and only if, the violation is brought up to compliance. So, if you have been cited for any code violation and received a fine or a lien, you are eligible for a discount on that fine if you fix the problem. This discount ends June 30, 2013.
Third on Comm. Rogers’ agenda was the paving of our streets. The City will be using new software that will input the age, use, and condition of our streets, then it will prioritize as to when paving will take place in each area, attacking the worst areas first. We feel like we are long overdue in Croissant Park, so stay tuned.
Fourth issue was the WAVE, the proposed light-rail transit system. This transit system will be paid for by a Federal, State, County, and City 25-year bond issue, with an assessment for businesses and some residential properties on the route. Public hearings scheduled for June 4 and July 9. Check City website for more info.
Loren’s second question referred to the impact of the increase in density brought on by the
many new rental apartments and condos proposed on the south side of the New River and asked what the impact will be on traffic and what they plan to do about it. The answer given is that the builders have to have an impact mitigation proposal. The possible solution to the heavy traffic suggested by Mr. Feldman, was the WAVE for ease in getting around downtown, connecting with the Tri-Rail station and the FEC commuter rail proposed for 2016 or 2017, the “grand plan” for the near future. Diane S. asked why we need the WAVE, the proposed commuter rail AND Tri-Rail, the answer is that the WAVE will be local and the others are regional.
The Transportation Manager for the City, Eric Czerniejewski, will look into the walkability of 15th Street from 6th Ave to Andrews. As it exists now there is no safe area to walk, and if the WAVE comes to be, that would be the gateway route from our neighborhood. Safety zones, green bike lanes, speed limit lowered to 35 mph, safe and navigable streets for pedestrians, bikes, and cars are all in the works for his department. Two of our Board members have brought up the problem of parking on streets, in yards, across sidewalks. Code enforcement has been called, the problem goes away for a few days, then returns. There seems to be no follow up. Comm. Rogers indicated that there will be increased enforcement in the future.
Trees for swales: our City Forester, Gene Dempsey tells us that a street with sidewalks must have a minimum 12 foot swale with no overhead utility wires to accommodate the live oaks being offered to Association members. If you don't have a sidewalk and only have street light wires, you will probably qualify for a tree. The Association is paying the $250 cost plus 1/2 the cost of installation - $130 (too large to plant yourself) leaving an investment of $65 to the homeowner for their 1/2 of the installation cost. However, City Manager Feldman reminded us that FPL is offering trees that can be planted almost anywhere you choose if you sign up for electronic billing (paperless). Look for the flyer in your bill or log onto
A member asked if anyone else besides her has brown water coming from the tap. No answer to that inquiry.
The Ice Cream Social and Cookie portion of the meeting was enjoyed by all. Thank you Board member Michelle and helpers for organizing the event. Thanks also to the neighbors who brought home baked cookies to share at the meeting and to send to our troops in Afghanistan. Pat will be packing those cookies to send overseas.
The man with the big smile and fist full of cash was the winner of the 50/50 drawing!
The man with the big smile and fist full of cash was the winner of the 50/50 drawing!
See you at our next meeting in September. Have great summer!
Minutes by Virginia-Secretary