October 2018 CPCA Neighborhood Meeting
— The meeting opened with the Pledge of Allegiance and approval of the minutes from the previous meeting. Board members Pat Rathburn, Michelle DiMaria, Rhonda Kramer, Heather Cunniff, Jodi Perraud, Joe Russell, Virginia Russell attended and a quorum was established.
—Steve Cook, one of our CP neighbors informed us of a meeting at City Hall on November 6th at 6 pm to discuss the land on SW 17th Street at the railroad tracks that are being considered for affordable, subsidized housing. The meeting is open to the public.
—The proposed new fire station will be built on the same piece of land at SW 17th Street and the railroad tracks.
—Jodi Perraud and her neighbor Vivian were congratulated for their fabulous event Bark in the Park on Saturday, October 27th. It was a huge success with local vendors like Augie’s Doggies and gift certificates to be raffled from a local pet groomer Continental Pet Salon. Even JetBlue airlines donated pet carriers for the raffle. Looking forward to next year’s Bark in the Park.
--The slate of CPCA Board Officers and Directors was approved and they are: President - Pat Rathburn, Vice President - Michelle DiMaria, Treasurer - Joe Russell, Secretary - Virginia Russell, Directors - Rhonda Kramer, Heather Cunniff, Jodi Perraud and our new member of the Board, Mario Paz.
—As tradition has it our CPCA October meeting is Pie Night, and I think our pie bakers outdid themselves this time. All the fall pie flavors were represented-pecan, pumpkin, apple, and I think I saw a cherry pie there.
—The 50/50 raffle was won by Fritz Kramer who graciously donated the proceeds back to the Association. Thanks, Fritz!
—Minutes by Virginia-Secy
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