Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Croissant Park Neighbor Meeting June 2019

Croissant Park Civic Association Neighborhood Meeting
June 25, 2019

Hi Croissant Park neighbors,

The meeting started at 7:10 pm. and was attended by Board members Heather, Rhonda, Joe, Jodi, and Virginia. We began with the Pledge of Allegiance. Attendance was light, probably due to summer vacations getting a kick off this month.

FLPD Officer Rodriguez gave us the crime report for May/June:  2 house burglaries.  One was entered through a door, the other was through louver windows.  2 vehicle burglaries.  Both were in the cemetery in the afternoon.    We are reminded to lock your car doors and leave all valuables out of sight.                     

Glenn Reyes
Our speaker was Glenn Reyes, a former engineer with the Florida Dept. of Transportation.  His slide show featured safety tips for pedestrians, bicycles, and drivers. He gave each of us an Interactive Response device so that we could answer the Q and A part of the slide show.  The results were interesting.  Cell phones present a myriad of new problems, both with drivers texting while driving, but also pedestrians texting and not paying attention while crossing streets.  

Our friend John Bertino who is an aide to Tim Ryan, Broward County Mayor, stopped in to say hello and see how we're doing.

Natalie Levine
A neighbor started a discussion about the proposed low-income housing to be built on the lot just south of the new firehouse across the railroad tracks on 17th Street, behind the old Eckerd's building.

Free hurricane preparedness bags from the City were handed out to 10 people who had their ticket drawn.
Heather Cuniff

The Board has requested that all those who live in Croissant Park let us know if there are any speakers or subjects you would like us to feature.  Rhonda has requested that we let her know of anyone who has moved from Croissant Park but continues to use their Nextdoor account as a Croissant Park resident.

John Bertino
The 50/50 raffle was won by our newest member Natalie Levine, who generously gave her winnings back to the Association.  Thank you Natalie, and welcome! 
free t-shirts!

Minutes by Virginia
pics by Rhonda

1 comment:

  1. What was said about the low income housing project? Is it still happening?
