Thursday, May 21, 2020

Neighborhood Zoom Meeting

To our Croissant Park Neighbors:

First and foremost, we hope that everyone is well. The Association’s priority continues to be the well-being of our residents and their families.  The Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation is evolving from day-to-day, and we are taking guidance from the City of Fort Lauderdale, Broward County, and the State of Florida. The Board continues to make decisions regarding the Association and how we can interact with our members in a way that is informative, but safe, as we focus on doing our part to help reduce the spread of the virus.

In light of current guidelines set by governmental agencies, the Board has determined that it is not feasible to hold an “in-person” Association meeting for May, and quite frankly, probably not for June either. We have therefore decided to experiment with a “Zoom” Association meeting. All residents of Croissant Park are invited to attend. The meeting will be on the regular date and time (Tuesday, May 26th @ 7 PM), and access will be by invitation sent to your email address. So that we don’t bother people who don’t want to attend, we are asking that you send your email address to with your street address and let us know that you want to participate. You will get a notice of the meeting and be able to sign in when it starts.

We are excited about the prospect of holding a meeting this way. We are asking the Fort Lauderdale Police representative to participate and be available for questions. Hopefully, we will also be able to answer general questions or concerns that you may have about things that are opening in the neighborhood and resources - all without you having to leave your home or wear a mask (or pants). We think the format will work. I recently appeared at a court hearing via zoom with 35 other attorneys, and even with a group like that, everything was very orderly, so there is no reason we can’t do it.

We recently contributed to the food pantry at Sunshine Cathedral and the Fort Lauderdale Seventh Day Adventist Church. Both are in our neighborhood, and both are helping the food-insecure neighbors. Sunshine Cathedral has a food program on Wednesdays and the Seventh Day Adventist Church on Tuesdays. If you know anyone in the neighborhood who might need some help with food but can’t get out to these events (both are drive-through), the Seventh-Day Adventists have let us know that they will deliver food to the homebound. Email us, and we will put you in contact with them.

For some people, the only thing between them or their kids being hungry are programs like this. Both groups can really use monetary contributions to keep them going. If you would like to donate, please contact us, and we will give you the information you need.

 As we are going through these difficult and unprecedented times, we thank you again for your understanding and cooperation.  We hope that you and your family remain safe and healthy. If you have any questions or suggestions, please send us an email. We hope to see you at our Zoom Association meeting on the 26th.

Pat Rathburn, President
On behalf of the Board of Directors, Croissant Park Civic Association

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