The meeting began at 7:00 in the Croissant Park Community Center.
Board Members in Attendance: Pat Rathburn, Rhonda Kramer, Steve Cook, Karla Carlson and John McNamara. We had a quorum.
John lead the Pledge of Allegance.
Pat Introduced the first speakers - Jackie Scott and Mary Fertig from the Colee Hammock neighborhood. They explained a zoning request that has been submitted to the City for a Planned Unit Development (PUD) in their neighborhood and how it could affect future zoning changes all over the City. A professional opinion by Michele Mellgren is attached. Jackie and Mary asked for support of a moratorium on this zoning issue to allow time to re-examine the language and prevent future overbuilding in other neighborhoods.
A motion to support the moratorium was made by Steve Cook and seconded by P.S. (Joe) Shover. The motion passed and Pat Rathburn will write a letter on behalf of the Croissant Park Civic Association to be sent to the City.
Pat gave the Police Report on what is going on in the neighborhood. Good news: the police caught two individuals who have been breaking into cars via 'smash & grab'..... yeahhh!
The next speaker was our own neighborhood gardening angel - Karen Doyle who spoke about lawn choices, care and how to solve some of the problems we experience in south Florida. Karen offered to visit neighbors (free!) to discuss their gardening issues.
Karen Doyle won the 50/50 drawing (she donated most of it back to the Association - Thank You)
Rhonda made cookies.
Expresso Coffee provided the delicious coffee.
The meeting adjourned at 8 pm with peace and harmony prevailing.
p.s. congratulations to Charlie Law whose grandson, Charles, just graduated from West Point as a Lieutenant (Wow - that's impressive!) Charlie had some great stories about the protocol and events that they participated in. Guess it gets a bit involved when the commencement speaker is the President of the United States.