Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Oil Spill Flyover by Congressman Ron Klein

From: Congressman Ron Klein [mail to: fl22ima@mail.house.gov]
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2010 2:56 PM
To: Romney Rogers
Subject: Oil Spill Flyover

May 24, 2010

Dear Friend,

On Friday, I joined some of the top scientists in the country on a nine hour research mission on board a WP-3D Orion aircraft flying over the Gulf of Mexico. Led by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), the scientists on this mission dropped key sensors into the Loop current that will allow them to monitor the oil spill as it is carried by the current, possibly onto South Florida beaches.

During the mission, we flew over 46,000 square miles and dropped nearly 70 different surveillance devices to monitor the Loop Current and any oil flowing through it. I saw, first-hand, streaks of oil on the surface of the ocean and sheen covering large areas. We spotted oil for the first time in a section of the Gulf 60 miles south of where any oil had been previously reported. That spot is just 100 miles from Cuba, making the sighting an important new development. The sensors we dropped in the water immediately sent information back to the plane about where the oil is and specifically its position in the critical Loop current.

On the flight, I accompanied Captain Brad Kearse, Commanding Officer of the Aircraft Operations Center, Corps Lt. Cmdr. Nancy Ash, and Dr. Nick Shay, professor of meteorology and oceanography at the University of Miami, as well as 14 other scientists and experts.

Having talked with these experts and seen the oil spill first-hand, it is clear that this tragedy will have a huge and lasting impact on all of us who live and work near the coast. I participated in this mission on behalf of every business owner and coastal resident in our comunity, because I know our livelihoods and local economy depend on our response to this spill.

One thing was absolutely clear to me: BP's claim that only 5,000 barrels of oil per day are leaking into the Gulf just doesn't add up. BP has to come clean with real information about how much oil has been released into the Gulf - and how much continues to leak. Our scientists and experts have to know the how, when and where in order to plan and execute our response.

Also, BP must take responsibility for all cleanup costs and compensation to local business and property owners. I will fight to make sure that not one dime comes out of taxpayers' pockets for this disaster.

As a follow up to Friday's mission, I will talk to the head of NOAA, Jane Lubchenco, to pass along what I saw first-hand as well as the recommendations of Dr. Shay of the University of Miami. I will not rest until we have done everything we can to make sure South Florida is fully prepared for the possibility of oil reaching our shores in the days ahead.

The necessary response to this disaster is an all-hands-on-deck approach. I appreciate the hard work of the Coast Guard, NOAA and other experts, but there is still more to be done. We cannot do enough, every hour of every day, to get this spill under control and protect our South Florida coasts.

I will continue to keep you updated on this oil spill. Please feel free to forward this email to your friends and neighbors, and do not hesitate to contact my office with any questions at all.

Best Regards,
Ron Klein
Member of Congress

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