Friday, June 18, 2010

Home Security Check List

We were sent this by the Fort Lauderdale Police Deptartment - it really does make you think -

Fort Lauderdale Police Department

Residential Security Checklist

Presented by:
The Crime Prevention Unit
Fort Lauderdale Police Department
1300 West Broward Blvd.

We would like for you to take a few moments and review this checklist.

As you move about your home, you will find that each section points out specific areas where security should be a factor.

When you have completed your checklist, look at the yes and no columns. If you find that you have more no’s then yes’, then we would encourage you to find a solution that will work for you and your family to better protect your home.

If you have any questions about the checklist or cannot find a solution to an area that needs attention, please feel free to contact your crime prevention unit.

We also encourage you to contact the unit for a free survey. This survey can give you greater insight on how to protect your family and residence along with practical solutions to strengthen your home’s security.

The Fort Lauderdale Police
Crime Prevention Unit

Outside of Your Home
Are lights installed around the perimeter of the home?
Are some of these lights motion activated?
Does the lighting around your home illuminate entranceways?
Are lights attached in areas where they cannot be reached or turned off?
Is landscaping minimized to allow a visual line of sight to windows and doors?
Are trees trimmed up higher than six feet and trimmed away from lights?
Can your address be easily seen from your home?
Are ladders or other tools secured preventing them from being used as a burglary tool?
Are sheds or outside closets secured with a quality lock?

Are all exterior doors made of solid wood or metal construction?
Do your doors fit securely within their frame?
Are the frames strong and tight to prevent forcing, spreading or jimmying?
Are the doors hinges protected from the removal from the outside?
Do all door locks function properly?
Are there secondary locks (such as deadbolts) on all exterior doors?
Do the deadbolt locks extend into the door sufficiently?
Are strike plates installed over locks with at least 1 ½ screws?
Do your exterior doors have a 180 degree viewfinder?
Is your sliding glass door covered by sufficient locking devices?
Have you ensured that the sliding glass door cannot be lifted out of the track?
Do you have secondary locks on your French doors?
Are glass areas near or on the door reinforced in any way to prevent access to the lock?
Do you lock the interior garage door with a secondary lock?

Yes No

Do all windows have adequate locks in good operating condition?
Have you installed secondary locking devices that are easily removed in case of a fire?
Do your windows have screens that lock from the inside?
Are your windows impact resistant or have impact resistant tinting?
Are your windows in good repair and fit snuggly into the frame?
Do you close and lock your windows when you are not home?
Do you close and lock your windows when you are sleeping?
Do you have curtains, drapes, or blinds on your windows?
Are your valuables (computer, jewelry, camera) not easily seen from a window?

Are entrances from the garage to the home made of metal or solid wood construction?
Do the doors from the garage have adequate locks and secondary locks?
Are the windows in the garage properly secured and in good condition?
Does the garage door have adequate locking devices?
Is the garage door working properly and in good condition?
Does the garage door opener have an automatic light that turns on?
Is the garage door kept closed and locked at all times?
Does the garage contain an attic entrance that is secured from access to the home?

Yes No

If you have an alarm, do you use it?
Do you use the alarm when you are settled inside your home for the night?
Does the home have a security alarm system that is functional?
Does the alarm meet the needs of the resident?
Is the system monitored by a reliable alarm service?
Does the alarm have a cellular back-up in case the phone lines are cut?
Is the alarm panel concealed from windows so a person cannot tell if the alarm is on?
Does the alarm have an internal and external audible alarm to deter a burglar?
Do all exterior doors (side garage and garage interior too) have intrusion detectors?
Do all windows, including garage windows, have intrusion detectors?
Are windows covered by glass break sensors?
Is the interior covered by motion sensors which are set for pets to avoid false alarms?
Have you updated your callout list with your alarm company?

Child Safety
Do your children know what to do in case of an emergency?
Do your children know their address and phone number?
Have you talked with your children about answering the door or phone?
Do your children know how to use the 911 number?
Does someone monitor the child’s use of the computer?
Is the computer set inside a living room or kitchen with the screen facing out?
Have you talked with your children (depending on age) about strangers?
Have you talked with your children (depending on age) about gun safety?
Have you talked with your children (depending on age) about drugs?
Have you talked with your children (depending on age) about computer safety?
Do you monitor your children when they play outside?

Yes No

General Safety
Are you careful not to open the door to strangers?
Do you acknowledge to person(s) at your door that you are home?
Do you lock your car and remove all valuables even when at home?
Are you careful not to leave your garage door opener in your car?
If you have a safe, is it theft and fire rated and bolted to the ground?
Do you keep a list, picture and serial number of all your valuables?
Do you keep your valuables in a safe and secured place?
Do you shred all your personal information?
Are you careful to never give out personal information over the phone or computer?
Do you have emergency phone numbers listed by your phone?
Do you review safety plans with your family?
If you have a firearm, is it unloaded and locked safely away?
Do you regularly update your computer security?
Do you call the police when you see suspicious person(s) or activity?
If you have a pool, are the exterior doors leading to it alarmed?
Does the pool have a child proof fence surrounding it?
Is the property around the pool fenced in?
Are family members trained in CPR?

Yes No


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