Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Letter to City re:PUD moratorium

At the May meeting, the membership voted to support a moratorium of development relying on ULDR Section 47-37. I was asked to send a letter to the City supporting the efforts to enact such a moritorium. If you would like to read the ULDR setion - go to where you will be able to find a copy. Attached is a copy of the letter sent to Mayor Seiler.
Croissant Park Civic Association
P.O. Box 13117
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33316

June 15, 2010

Mayor Jack Seiler
City of Fort Lauderdale
100 North Andrews Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Re: Proposed Moratorium for Section 47-37 – Planned Unit Development District

Dear Mayor Seiler,

At the May meeting of the Croissant Park Civic Association a presentation was made by several Fort Lauderdale residents bringing our attention to Section 47-37 of the ULDR, which provides for a PUD district. After reviewing the ordinance ourselves, and listening to the presentation, it was clear that the provisions of the PUD district ordinance could be used to allow development inconsistent with the current zoning and development of Croissant Park, and other neighborhoods within the City.

While many aspects of the ordinance as it presently exists concerned the residents, several provisions were particularly troubling. For example, it would be possible to assemble the (sort of) required two acre parcel by stretching across streets and alleys, which seems to negate the intent of the ordinance. Even more troubling is the provision that would make that two acre parcel requirement inapplicable. I point to the provision that states that the two acre minimum parcel size can be waived if the proposed development is located near, and designed to integrate, bus or rail transit lines. The way that reads, the argument could be made that any proposed development within a few blocks of a bus stop would meet the criteria.

Surely it was not the intention of the City to disrupt neighborhoods with multiple PUD projects by making it easier for developers to skirt, or avoid altogether the underlying zoning. Yet the current PUD ordinance appears to open the door to just such a scenario. Based on the foregoing, the membership of Croissant Park voted to support efforts to enact a moratorium on development relying upon Section 47-37 of the ULDR in order to explore the ramifications of the ordinance and propose changes that will serve to protect the character of our neighborhoods.

We would appreciate your support of a moratorium to explore the PUD zoning, and welcome an opportunity to be actively involved in any such review.

Thank you for your consideration in this regard.

Croissant Park Civic Association

Cc: Commissioners Rogers, Rodstrom, Du Bose & Roberts

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