Saturday, October 23, 2010



So – if you have been planning on attending or getting more involved – or if you just want an excuse to try out potential new Thanksgiving pie recipes- plan on attending Tuesday October 26th. We have a lot going on.

First- the 3rd Annual Fall Pie Contest. Bake and bring a pie to share with neighbors and friends. The winning baker will receive a great prize- plus bragging rights. Any type of pie that screams “Fall” is eligible (and that includes things like lemon meringue and Key Lime since both have a way of showing up at the Thanksgiving table at my house- so they count!) - in addition to the more traditional apple, pecan, pumpkin or sweet potato. Share an old family favorite – or try out something new. If you are on Facebook and a friend of Croissant Park – you should have received an invitation to the meeting. Say yes- and tell us what type of pie you will be bringing.

Second- election of the new Board of Directors and Officers for the Civic Association – there is still time to nominate someone from the floor if you think you are interested or know someone who is.

Get in on the planning for our Halloween party for the neighborhood kids- we can always use more help at the event. In my youth, I actually was an assistant at a nursery school for a brief period which I have always thought contributed to the decision to have pets instead of children. The memories of a room full of screaming 3 and 4 year olds has a tendency to stick with you. But even I have overcome my past fear of diminutive persons and joined in as a volunteer at the Halloween event the last few years – and must admit- it has been fun. The kids are so excited – the costumes are great – everyone is AMAZINGLY well behaved (and relatively quiet) - and the best thing- the parents are so grateful that we are providing a fun, safe event for the kids. It really makes the event so worthwhile. If you can’t volunteer your time, how about bringing a bag of candy or two to the meeting on Tuesday? Every little bit helps.

Lastly – our “GREETING CARDS FOR SOLDIERS” collection. We are taking up a collection of new (again – new does not necessarily mean that you bought it yesterday- new also means that it has been in your “card stash” for ages and is clean and new looking). I had my hair cut yesterday and my hair dresser was so excited he was going home to collect boxes of Christmas cards that he said he had only sent a few from- leaving lots leftover for us to collect and send. One thing that soldiers who are deployed have a tough time finding is greeting cards to send home to loved ones- there is not exactly a Hallmark card store on these forward operating bases. They need cards for every occasion – holidays- of course- including Valentine’s Day, Christmas, St. Patrick’s Day – and also Mothers Day, Father’s Day- birthdays –anniversary- get well – graduation – thank you – cheer up – or simply “I’m thinking of you”. It helps them stay in touch with loved ones at home- even though they can e-mail – there is nothing like getting a card from a loved one to make you feel connected.

We are sending this first batch to an army base in Sharana, Afghanistan where one of the nurses has volunteered to distribute them. She says that she will put a box in the clinic and also give them to the chaplains who have boxes out to distribute personal items. Let’s really work on getting a lot of cards to send- if you are not able to come to the meeting- let us know via Facebook/email and we will see about picking them up. Or you can drop them off in advance at Rhonda's house 712 SW 14 Street.

Thanks for your participation- and I hope to see you with pie, cards and candy in hand on Tuesday night!!!!

Pat Rathburn, President (until Tuesday!)

Croissant Park Civic Association

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