Sunday, October 31, 2010

Croissant Park Neighborhood Meeting Minutes

Minutes of the Croissant Park Civic Association
Tuesday, October 26, 2010 at 7:00 p.m.

Patricia Rathburn, John McNamara, Rhonda Kramer, Loren Colbern, Steve Cook

Absent: Karla Carlson, Randy Drummond, Heather Cunniff, Joy Stafford

The meeting was called to order with the Pledge of Allegiance at 7:00 pm. Pat introduced our neighborhood Police Liaison - Captain Victor London. Captain London gave us the crime statistics for our area and took questions and input from the neighbors.

The new board for 2011 was approved by the membership as follows:

President: Steve Cook
Vice President: Patricia Rathburn
Secretary: Loren Colbern
Treasurer: Patricial Rathburn
Heather Cunniff
Rhonda Kramer
John McNamara
Virginia Russell

The upcoming Halloween event was discussed and several neighbors volunteered to help out at the party.

The 'cards for soldiers' was presented by Pat and we collected many cards to be sent to Afghanistan for the troops. We encourage everyone to save their unused cards (especially after the holidays) so that we can send another batch - possibly in the spring. So, if you missed this mailing, please save your cards for the next time.

This was also our annual fall pie night and the turnout of homemade pies was unbelievable. Maybe we can get some of the recipes to publish in time for the holidays. Expresso Coffee provided the gourmet coffee to go with the pie and it was a most delicious evening.

This was mostly a social evening for neighbors to get a chance to talk to each other and everyone seemed to have a good time.

The meeting adjourned a little after 8:00 p.m. with peace and harmony prevailing.

submitted by: Rhonda Kramer

1 comment:

  1. Good meeting!! I really enjoyed the pies. Unfortunately my mince meat pies where not a big hit at the party or my house. Believe me, the recipe called for real meat in it. I had to eat all the pies I made because there were a lot of extras. Well, look forward to Christmas and the tourist coming into town. Hopefully the tourist will do my swim with the dolphins tour. I could use the business. God Bless, John
